Friday, July 31, 2009

Do i have a mental illness?

ok for those of you who dont know i asked a question earlier regarding house cleaning, and well im beginning to think i have OCD obsessive compulsive disorder. Im not sure of the signs but i will tell you what im doing ok. Right if i wash up and put away the cups all have to be facing the same way, if a magazine is not inline with rest i have to put it straight, if there is something on the table that should not be there eg keys i will move them, if i wash clothes the t shirts have to be in one pile the trousers in another etc and colours have to be matched together, if the kettle is bent i will straighten it, if the shoes are not in a straight line i will straighten them, when i close the certain at night they have to meet half way exactly. if the tins in my cupboard are smaller or higher or bigger in size or have different labels i will re-arrange them. Even down to my socks i have to iron them, Now this has only been happening since i moved into my own place with my partner,

Do i have a mental illness?
Dear Ellie,

First, let me put this straight that nothing is wrong with you...

You just getting into perfectionist happens to many many people...yeah, it shows up in different ways...I would just suggest you to RELAX and take this thing out of your thoughts...Its like this - the more you think about it - the more you get consious about this and thats not going to help you...

Start spending time in creative activities...pick up some new hobby - which will keep you busy..anythg...start learning cooking...prepare new dishes....atleast try attempting it...keep yourself busy intentionally for some days..and this issue will go as it was never ever there...

Again, there is NOTHING wrong with you...You are absolutely normal and yes, stop thinking about this.

Take care.
Reply:You are describing symptoms that could be interpreted as OCD. You would need a mental health evaluation to actually receive a diagnosis. There are many other symptoms and circumstances that are required to be known before a diagnoses can be made--especially since onset of symptoms is so sudden. Maybe you are just incompatible with this partner for some reason.
Reply:there is a difference between obsessive compulsive disorder and obsessive compulsive personality. it sounds like you may have anxiety over something else and the excessive house cleaning is a symptom or an avoidance tactic. ask yourself if there is something a little deeper bothering you. go talk to someone you specializes in this to help you out a little. god bless you.
Reply:well the sure sign of OCD is what happens if you do not put the things neatly? If you feel anxiety or something bad will happen if you don't then I would say it's a mild form of OCD. A lot of people like things straight and organized though, and some more than others. I say try not putting things so neatly and see what happens.
Reply:I believe you do have OCD because I just took a psychology class and my teacher told us a similar story about her aunt. It probably isn't that bad if you can deal with some things out of place. If you get up to put something in its place every time someone nudges it, you might want to see a therapist.
Reply:If this is something that you absolutely HAVE to do or you get irritable and upset until you do it, then you may have a mild case of OCD.

Try leaving things disarranged for a few days - if you absolutely can't tolerate it then yes you do have OCD. Otherwise you're just a neat-freak.
Reply:kinda ocd i have it its when you have to do something over and over till it feels right you are a neat freak you want things to be in order . and if there not you'll put them in order maybe its physiological disorder with your partner or you House
Reply:To me you like you are just proud of your new home. It normal for people who just moved into a new place to be particular about their place. My sister use to drive me nuts.

She sounded like you.

If you just moved out away from your parents you making your Home fit you.
Reply:I know it sounds crazy, but take a look at your diet. A few months back, I took a sugar holiday and removed almost all complex carbs and table sugar from my diet. In that time, I found that some of my little issues just didn't matter anymore! For instance, when I wash dishes, I have a very specific order to the tasks and if anything impedes that order, it takes me forever to get done and if I can't complete all the steps it bugs the heck out of me! Without the sugar, I could just do a portion or I could leave out a step and no problem. I got a lot more done and felt so much better about it since there were no nagging feelings about the proper order.

I found myself doing some pruning in the garden and it took me less than half the time because I did not sit and study each cut to make sure it was in the proper location. I didn't mind if I accidentally nipped another leaf or something, I could just keep going.

It was very freeing. In fact, just writing this, I'm ready for another sugar holiday--that was a great time.

Just don't underestimate how the fuel you give the body can affect EVERY aspect of your life!

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