Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What kind of look do I have?

I have a short black bob with straight bangs, and I usually wear skater hoodies (Volcom, Element, Billabong) or Hollister and Abercrombie ones.

I wear skater shoes (like Gallaz) or plain flat black leather boots.

If I am not wearing flared jeans, I wear a short denim mini. I love hooded jackets, like parkas. I love to wear black, army green and grey.

My makeup is usually powder, mascara, liquid liner and nude or red lipstick.

Is there a catergory or a label for how I dress?

Just curious, so I can work more with it.

Your opinions, please!

What kind of look do I have?
I usually don%26#039;t label, but since it%26#039;s for good (helping you style yourself) I%26#039;ll do it. : ) I%26#039;d say your alternative--preppy if it%26#039;s possible to mix them : ) You should sop at Pacsun and billabong--sounds like your style.
Reply:No problem, glad I helped : ) Report It

Reply:grung ?
Reply:you should just be goth, or a gothy pin up chick. or you could try to be all futuristic and sexy.
Reply:My first opinion is that you shouldn%26#039;t try to label yourself. But if I had to say then...Alternative. Very fun. The red lipstick and leather boots makes me think exciting but those skater hoodies threw me off. No Labeling!
Reply:for sure not Dior sister!

Probably a wannabe skater freak...u asked!
Reply:My opinion is... who cares. You want to %26quot;work%26quot; on your label, if it does not sound right?? I will label you as %26quot;Shallow person who is overly concerned about what other people think and needs to come to grips with the fact that nobody gives a **** about what label you fall under because they are all only concerned about themselves (just like you)%26quot;
Reply:i dont really think you have a category

labels suck anyways
Reply:I think it could be classified as punk-chick... kind of like an Avril Lavigne type of look.

fashion accessories

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