I want to get my family%26#039;s opinion on baby names. I thought of holding a name-a-que. A backyard bar-b-que, where I would have pieces of paper for people to fill out and stick in shoe boxes labeled with our top 5 boys names and top 5 girls names. First names only. I feel, this way, the people who are going to interact with the children get a say, without hurting my feelings, and I don%26#039;t have to let everyone know what name goes with which middle name since all middle names are family names. I hope that this would give a true feedback on what they think of the name. I don%26#039;t want anyone to know what the name is until the baby is born and this way they feel they%26#039;re getting some information and some say. What do you think of this idea?
What do you think?
That%26#039;s a very creative idea...could work...my only thought...would you be able to handle criticism of your choices? What if you find that you truly love a certain name %26amp; someone in your family can%26#039;t stand it...will you still be able to go with it? Your family will love your child, even if they don%26#039;t get to choose the name %26amp; are totally surprised on the big day...I%26#039;m a hold out for keeping them completely in the dark...but then again, I did that twice :) Good Luck!!
Reply:Honestly, I think you%26#039;re better off not doing it. Only because what if they pick your least favorite of the names? Or what if the baby is born and that name doesn%26#039;t suit him at all?
I know it%26#039;s hard when everyone begging for some info, or so quick to offer their opinion, but a name last forever, you and your hubby should be the only ones that get a say :) Good luck!
Reply:I agree with Mcfly. My daughter has the same name but it is spelled Jhordan.
Reply:cool idea
Reply:I think it%26#039;s a brilliant idea and it shows that you care about your family. That%26#039;s beautiful.
Reply:The only problem with that is regarding the middle name. Some names just sound SO good together and others dont work. So if you had already chosen the middle name, wouldnt you want the first name to flow with the second name?
Aside from that, I think letting your family participate in the name choosing is a good idea, it promotes closeness... maybe have a seperate list of %26quot;possible%26quot; middle names, so they could also see what sounds best together... then if you already have a middle name in mind, you can see the different combos with that name that people like...
Reply:I like that idea a lot. It shows that you are considerate of how others feel about your baby%26#039;s name. Which I have no doubt is how you are. You probably didn%26#039;t want the idea but I thought about giving you some ideas on your top 5 baby names.
5Katherine (nick name could be Kathy)
Good Luck!
Reply:I think thats is GREAT idea its win win you get everyones HONEST opinion and they feel like that got to put in there two cents
Reply:sure y not
Reply:i think its a little supid , but a good idea
Reply:Wow what a neat idea!
My friend had so much trouble naming her second baby, her family was so against all the names she liked and they always would tell her names she didn%26#039;t like!
In the end she just shut all the voices out and went with a name SHE loved. I will tell her about this because she too has a big family.
Good luck and I hope you find a name you love :)
Reply:That is an exellent idea!
Reply:i thinks its a great idea
Reply:I like your idea, it%26#039;s very unique and interesting! And I%26#039;m sure all the family will enjoy adding their opinions, and the barbeque is a fun way to do it! Really cool :)
Reply:I must agree with Amanda. The choice should be yours alone because it indeed is forever. A baby and its name are not prizes to be won in a raffle.
Reply:I like this idea...and i would also take into consideration the name Jourdan or Jordan becuz i think it is a beautiful name for a girl....or boy....
Reply:i think thats a neat idea.
though it kinda sounds like a raffle to name ur kid
Reply:Its ok, I guess there might be some names you would have never even thought of.
Reply:Just do the same colour for all and get them NOT to put their names on the paper so then you arent being biased. Good Luck. Remember a name is for life and I love the idea.
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