Seriously, I don%26#039;t understand it. I don%26#039;t know if it is just homophobia running rampant in the world or what. But it seems like if a guy keeps clean, wears nice clothing, uses cologne once in awhile, knows fashion (like matching shoes and belt), and whitens their teeth, they are labeled as being gay. What is so bad about looking good and taking care of ones self? I know they have made a term %26quot;metrosexual%26quot; for this, but many think metros are just gays in denial. I would think that the ladies would like someone better if they took care of themselves, instead of wearing baggy, oversized clothing, smelling bad, and just sitting on the couch drinking beers. Anyway, just wondering why everyone labels guys that take of themselves gay, when they could be either gay or straight. I think it is stupid.
Taking care of yourself gets the gay label?
I have no idea where you live, but over here (Toronto) men are normally well-dressed and groomed. If you become extremely flamboyant or get obsessive about your looks you are actually VAIN, not gay; gay men quite often look non-well-groomed as much as straight men, so it%26#039;s merely a silly stereotype. Try to spend less time with people who are ignorant enough to make unnecessary comments about your looks.
Reply:I agree, it is stupid. Quite a good amount of people like to judge. I think they do it because if they put someone else down, they think they look better. Hmmmm.....interesting, only women answered this one. So guys, is it true that you label a guy gay if he does this? Hello? Any men out there?
Reply:I know what you mean. I get that a lot, too, not only because I try to look my best but also because I%26#039;m a nurse. I wish I had a buck for every time I was asked if I%26#039;m gay in the last 30 years. I could retire.
The next time someone asks if you%26#039;re gay, do what I do. Look them square in the eye and ask: %26quot;Why? You need a date for Saturday night?%26quot; Or ask: %26quot;Why would you ask me such a question?%26quot;
Reply:I agree. Next time a person accuses you, tell them exactly what you said.
Reply:You nailed it...homophobia. It seems that everywhere you look men are turning gay, so I think people just have their guards up. But seriously, stay sanitary--it%26#039;s very good!
Reply:I think it%26#039;s stupid too, because I%26#039;m sure there are lots of gay people out there who wear baggy clothing, smel bad and sit on the couch drinking beer. It%26#039;s just how we%26#039;re brought up, sadly enough. Labels suck. so lets be the first generation to change it.
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