Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Outfit for 80's!?

Okay so for school, im dressing in the 80%26#039;s style. We can%26#039;t use any label shoes, for example Uggs, Converse, etc. So, should i wear socks and heels? funny? or no.. or just tennis shoes. Thanks in advance! xoxo

Outfit for 80%26#039;s!?
socks NEVER go with heels! That%26#039;s not %26quot;funny%26quot; that%26#039;s tacky
Reply:cut some tube socks to look like legwarmers and wear them with heels
Reply:Ok, so in the 80%26#039;s they basically wore flats and high top Converse. I had an 80%26#039;s dance and everybody basically wore flats and Converse (with legwarmers). Hope this helps!!!
Reply:I was a teen in the 80%26#039;s. Early 80%26#039;s was the legwarmers and tennis shoes, then about mid it was ankle socks with frills around the edge and heels if you are dressing like madonna in her Borderline video. Late 80%26#039;s it was colored pants made of cotton, tucked into matching socks, bunched down and wearing white flat things but weren%26#039;t really dress shoes. We also wore a matching sweater with a white cotton button up shirt with the collar out of the sweater, rope pearls and big goddy earrings. Or just plain jeans and tennis shoes.
Reply:just get tennis shoes and wear leg warmers over them

neutral skin tone

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