Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hello i am having trouble with the following brain teaser! Has anyone any suggestions?

Lets say that you have three boxes, one with two brown shoes, one with two grey shoes and one with a grey shoe and a brown shoe. They are labelled BB, GG, BG accordingly! Then someone switched the labels and you now know every box is incorrectly labelled. You are only allowed take one shoe at a time out of the box without looking inside. And by doing this process 3 times or less prove that you can determine the contents of the three boxes!!

Hello i am having trouble with the following brain teaser! Has anyone any suggestions?
This is simple.

You know that the boxes are incorrectly labeled

Therefore the box with BG written on it must contain two shoes of the same colour.

The boxes labeled GG and BB are also incorrectly labeled.

Therefore, if you take a shoe out of the box labeled BG, (for purposes of illustration, we%26#039;ll say it%26#039;s a brown shoe) then you know that there are two brown shoes in that box.

Now we can deduce the location of the brown and grey shoes. If we assume for a second that the brown and grey shoes are in the box labeled BB, then the two grey shoes must be in the box labeled GG. However, this must be wrong, since we know the labels are incorrect. Therefore, the grey shoes must be in the box labeled BB, and the brown shoe and the grey shoe is in the box labeled GG.

I%26#039;ve figured it out by only removing one shoe!

Thank you very much! :o)
Reply:you take out of one of the boxes a brown shoe, you put back in then ake out of the SAME box a gray shoe. thats BG. then you take one shoe out of the remaining 2 boxes and whatever you take out is what color it is.
Reply:you take out of one of the boxes a brown shoe, you put back in then ake out of the SAME box a gray shoe. thats BG. then you take one shoe out of the remaining 2 boxes and whatever you take out is what color it is.
Reply:no idea
Reply:If you took both shoes out of the box with BG in, you would know that it contained the odd pair, then out of the next box take one shoe - you will know whether this contains BB or GG, and you will know that the other box contains whichever that one doesn%26#039;t.

That is presuming that you are able to take the first two shoes from the box with the odd shoes.

Edit: Hey, SRJ ... that%26#039;s an original answer! :P
Reply:You know that the BG box contains 2 shoes of the same color. Take out one shoe from this box and it will either be BB or GG.

Take 2 shoes out of either of the remaining 2 boxes. You%26#039;ll either have the BG box, or the other box having 2 shoes of the same color. You can then figure out the contents of the last box by elimination.
Reply:Buy some sandals.
Reply:the answer is simple..

since all three boxes are labeled incorrectly.. you take a shoe from the box labeled GG OR BB.. put the shoe back where you know it%26#039;s at, and grab the other shoe.. once you know one, you know the other two are incorrect.. so let%26#039;s say BB is really GG.. since you know that BB is really GG, you know that BG isn%26#039;t really BG, it%26#039;s really BB, so, the box marked GG is really BG.
Reply:i have no idea but i am horrible at brain teasers!

good luck:D
Reply:im soooooooo confused!
Reply:If you took both shoes out of the box with BG in, you would know that it contained the odd pair, then out of the next box take one shoe - you will know whether this contains BB or GG, and you will know that the other box contains whichever that one doesn%26#039;t.

That is presuming that you are able to take the first two shoes from the box with the odd shoes.


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