Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Are flip flops acceptable to wear in Italy?

I%26#039;m going to be traveling to italy in early June, and i was wondering what types of shoe would be the best for walking around Florence in. Are flip flops okay, or would they label me as an american?

Are flip flops acceptable to wear in Italy?
If you want to wear flip flops that%26#039;s OK, but stay out of the cathedrals or similar places where the noise that your footwear makes would be intrusive to others.
Reply:Italians don%26#039;t generally wear shoes like flip flops unless they are at the beach. Shorts and flip flops are a sure way to be spotted as an American -- and cause you problems when visiting churches as bare knees, shoulders and toes are no-nos.

My suggestions:

1. Buy a good pair of closed, but cool and comfortable walking shoes that can be dressed up or down. Ecco, Clarks, Geox are good -- they are not inexpensive but after walking all over the cobblestone roads your feet will thank you. (Just be sure to try them out before you come so you don%26#039;t get blisters wearing them for the first time on your trip).

2. For women: carry a scarf or some kind of wrap-around that can be used to cover shoulders (if you are wearing a tank or sleeveless dress) or act as a makeshift, longer skirt so that you can enter the churches. Men can do the same or carry a t-shirt with sleeves. Long shorts (knee-length) can be acceptable but short, shorts are not.
Reply:I just came back from a 2 week trip to Italy, incl. Florence, Rome and Venice, and I saw a lot of people wearing them everywhere. I ended up wearing flip flops a lot too, as it was very hot, and my feet ended up hurting from all the other shoes (including what I thought was a comfortable pair of Geoxx tennis shoes). I did not have a problem going into any churches in them. I did have a problem with dirty feet, as another poster noted, as it is quite dusty everywhere, but I didn%26#039;t mind as long as I was compfortable.

So I say, bring a pair anyway, but also bring another pair of comfortable sandals. It%26#039;s a good idea to have more then one pair of walking shoes, as even the best ones might start rubbing on your feet, or hurting, when you walk as much as will in Florence.

Have fun, you%26#039;ll love it!
Reply:All the Italians coming to UK for summer wear it, so I guess it would be quite appropriate for you to wear them there as well:))))

By the way, Florence is a great, beautiful, romantic city, I really liked it:) Have fun...
Reply:label u as an american.. try some nice sandles
Reply:Italians dont usually wear those to go around the city and you might not be allowed in the sacred areas .

Besides if you want to go on top of the dome you cant possibly do it with flip flops (its more than 200 steps)
Reply:You can wear it, but are you sure that will be comfortable?

maybe is better to wear a pair of sandals - we wear Birkenstock a lot.

Reply:Flip flops are worn occasionally in Italy, especially mid-summer when it is really hot - so i disagree that you would immediately be recognized as an American tourist. It is mostly guys that wear them, instead of sneakers in summer. Women tend to dress up more. In general, Italians like to dress, if you don%26#039;t want to look foreign, dress up!
Reply:yeah...don%26#039;t worry they are acceptable...even if italians don%26#039;t wear them very often while they are in a;s more common among us to wear them when we are at the maybe they will label you as a foreign person.

more important is to play attention when you want to visit inside a that case you shuldn%26#039;t wear shorts or small skirts.
Reply:I suggest to wear ligth sneakers:

you don%26#039;t get your feet dirty and flip flops are not design for long walks.

Usually italians they wear flip flops only at the beach... some americans thy met the president in flip flops....


Reply:You can wear what you want but for sure flip flops are more likely to be seen in a beach resort than a big city and i got some doubts that would be confortable after a long walk

about be labelled as american, i dont even think that people would mind if you got wings or not, as in summer Italy is so crowded.. as far as you behave in a proper way and dont shouting everywhere, you can even wear high heels stiletto s....dont worry we are a free country

enjoy your stay
Reply:Flip Flops might be comfortable.... but they might won%26#039;t let you enter some cathedrals or museums.... !
Reply:You would be okay wearing whatever. I personally would reccomend getting ones with rear/ankle straps. The roads and sidewalks can have many obstacles and can be uneven.

You will be already labeled as an American even before they look at your shoes (lol)

I lived in Sicily for 5 years and have been all over Italy..

One travel tip because i wish i could go back. I recommend eating at smaller food places and not at any hotels. %26quot;Hole in the wall%26quot; places can have the best food sometimes and will give you a more true Italian experience.
Reply:Flip Flops are totally ok. But I personally would not wear them because I think it%26#039;s too dirty...I really didn%26#039;t feel like having BLACK HEELS after walking for a little bit lol...

and be sure not to wear any kind of sleeveless tops (e.g.Tank tops) when you want to go inside a church or cathedral....If you do, bring something with you that can hide your shoulders....

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