Monday, August 3, 2009

Wanna have some fun in work?

- Page yourself over the intercom. (Don’t disguise your voice.)

- Find out where your boss shops and buy exactly the same outfits. Always wear them one day after your boss does. (This is especially effective if your boss is a different gender than you are.)

- Send email to the rest of the company telling them what you’re doing. e.g. “If anyone needs me, I’ll be in the bathroom.”

- “Hi-lite” your shoes. Tell people that you haven’t lost your shoes since you did this.

- Every time someone asks you to do something, ask them if they want fries with that.

-Put your garbage can on your desk. Label it “IN.”

- Develop an unnatural fear of staplers.

- Make beeping noises when a large person backs up.

- Shout random numbers when someone is counting.

- As much as possible, skip rather than walk.

- Ask people what gender they are.

- Sit in your car in the parking lot at lunch time pointing a hair dryer at passing cars to see if they slow down.

Wanna have some fun in work?
Those are funny. I like these ones as well.

- Leave your zipper open for one hour. If anyone points it out, say, "Sorry, I really prefer it this way".

- While riding in a lift, gasp dramatically every time the doors open.

- Babble incoherently at a fellow employee then ask, "Did you get all that, I don't want to have to repeat it"

- In a meeting or crowded situation, slap your forehead repeatedly and mutter, "Shut up, damn it, all of you just shut up!"

- In a colleague's diary, write in 10am: "See how I look in tights".

- In the subject field for all your e-mails, write " FOR SEXUAL FAVOURS".

- Finish all your sentences with "In accordance with the prophecy."

and my personal favourite - At lunchtime, get down on your knees and announce, "As God is my witness, I'll never go hungry again." in a southern accent a la Scarlett O'Hara
Reply:Some of my colleagues are like that, but I'm in Broadmoor Hospital
Reply:LOL!!!!!! so funi! i get bored at wrk 2!! always sittin at my desk thinkin of wat naghties i can get up 2! lol, da dressing da same one sounds great, im gona do that 1! cos my boss is gay, and has such a big ego! if he thinks i admire him! watchin him walkin round wit a big head is gona be SO funi! let me kno if u got anymore ideas!
Reply:How about walk into the elevator and stand SUPER close to the person next to you...or walk in and immediately go to the corner and stand with your nose in the corner... got fired didn't you????

Reply:I love the one about labeling the trash can as an "IN" box!! That's great!!
Reply:Suckin face at work just makes **** alot funner, time flye when you are havin fun! : )
Reply:haha very funny stuff but I would get fired in a heartbeat
Reply:I love these!!! You should be a writer for The Office.
Reply:You're very bored, aren't you?!
Reply:Ha Ha, this is great!

I work in an office so I find this to be exremely funny, and I have actually shouted numbers when someone is counting - I found it to be hilarious and thankfully the person I did it to had a good personality so they took it as it was - me just being a smart *ss....
Reply:hahahah...nice~ guess you are really bored at work

usually i just come to Y!A
Reply:funny but a lil weird
Reply:Funny! 100!
Reply:Why don´t you play fair with your boss (you know the guy who pays you ) and resign so that he can employ someone who actually WORKS for their money and dos´n´t spend all day dreaming up pranks.
Reply:I like number 2
Reply:lol You have to be really bored to do these.. funny though.
Reply:i work in a shop so there is no way to have fun like this
Reply:Every day i do all of the above- i am the office 'irritater'.
Reply:ahahahah, id get fired ! i cant .... i wanna but cant ... cause whose gonna pay my bills n rent .. u perhaps ?
Reply:We had the whole "game" and "rules" print-out about a month ago, I'm already familiar with these =D The only one I tried was the "Do you want fries with that?" Our workplace is very laid-back, boss is easy-going. Best wishes always ♥ Laura

hah i almost pee'd my pants!

but i don't have a job yet... i'll keep those in mind when i do:P
Reply:yeah i and did before
Reply:last one is funy, but some of them will just get me fired.

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